OBJECTIVE: Type your rough draft essay on “privacy policies.
DO NOW: Take out homework "rough draft" and type in MS Word.
Take out your homework & begin typing your rough draft essay. It must remain quiet, while Mr. Wong checks everyone's homework. Best Class gets donuts! Small donuts but a pack of 4 per student! 6th Grade & 7th Grade you will have to beat 8th grade they have been doing the best job of doing their work and staying quiet the whole period. Raising your hand as always if you have questions.
Lesson Procedure-
1) DO NOW: Type the rough draft only-DO NOT BEGIN DESIGNING THE WORD DOCUMENT. (35 minutes)_(Put timer tools on)
2) (5 minutes) Screenshot your word document finished or not show what you accomplished this period. (put timer tools on-remind students) -Post your screenshot of your word document to your blog
"In the US, a sex assault victim seeking compensation faces the prospect of her MySpace and Facebook pages being produced in court. In Texas, a driver whose car was involved in a fatal accident found his MySpace postings ("I'm not an alcoholic, I'm a drunkaholic") part of the prosecution's case. From Los Angeles to Lowestoft, thousands of social network site users have lost their jobs – or failed to clinch new ones – because of their pages' contents. Police, colleges and schools are monitoring MySpace and Facebook pages for what they deem to be "inappropriate" content. Online security holes and users' naivety are combining to cause privacy breaches and identity thefts. And what all this, and more, adds up to is this: online social networking can seriously damage your life.
Just ask the 27 workers at the Automobile Club of Southern California fired for messages about colleagues on their MySpace sites; the Florida sheriff's deputy whose MySpace page revealed his heavy drinking and fascination with female breasts – and swiftly found himself handing in his badge; the Argos worker in Wokingham fired for saying on Facebook that working at the firm was "shit"; the Las Vegas teacher at a Catholic school fired after he declared himself gay on his MySpace page; the staff of an Ottawa grocery chain fired for their "negative comments" on Facebook; the 19 Northampton police officers investigated for Facebook comments; and Kevin Colvin, an intern at Anglo Irish Bank, who told his employers he had a family emergency, but whose Facebook page revealed he had, in reality, been cavorting in drag at a Hallowe'en party."
1) Importance of being anonymous on the internet
2) -Examples of safe chatting behavior
3) Why do websites have to have privacy policies? Who are they designed to protect?
4) What are some tips regarding how to keep private identity information private?
5) What are the ways in which Web sites get information about users?