Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009, ac187, ac188, ac189

Student: I will create my newsletter using my paper blueprint.  


1) DO Now-15 min (set timer)(Mr. Waller, check their homework-packet-use stamps-use seating chart in binder)

2) IndependentAssignment-Newsletter complete-IN WORD (20 minutes-set timer)

STUDENTS --ANYONE WHO does not have newsletter completely re-done with color and parent signature.  Must sit at center tables to create their newsletter.

3) Go over HW Packet pages 1-4 (Mr. Waller, use binder- set timer for 20 minutes)

4)  Mr. Waller, plese REMIND students about their HOMEWORK PAGES 5-8  due tomorrow during DO NOW.

Monday, May 11, 2009

OBJECTIVE: Assess your newsletter using rubric and make improvements to correct your work.

DO NOW: Read Checklist and Rubric.--Grade yourself.

1) Do Now: 15 minutes
2) Newsletter- Corrections-so you will be ready to create tomorrow in lab!
3) Use the checklist and rubric!!!

Checklist for Privacy in Cyberspace Essay
Be sure to

1) Research and bookmark at least two Web sites--Use research handout
2) Include at least three paragraphs in your essay
3) Include all key ideas
4) Include appropriate clip art or another graphic in your document

5)Use the Web to research information for your essay--HANDOUT PROVIDED IN LIEU OF WEB
6) Insert an image or clip art in your document--image you created in color on your newsletter.
7) Include hyperlinks to at least two Web sites that you used for reference--
8) Add a background color to your document that contrasts with the text--MUST HAVE COLOR
9) Enhance your document and save it as a Web page

Privacy—What’s the Big Deal? Grade 6, #178

Thursday May 7, 2009, AC187, AC188, AC189

Objective: Review for Quiz tomorrow

HOMEWORK: Compare & Contrast the differences between a "Hacker" and "Cracker"-
Cracker -maliciously hacking- unauthorized hacking of a computer with intent to harm.
Hacker- unauthorized use of a computer for fun.

DO NOW:Listen while students read  the story about the 13 year old and my space. What do you think about this article?  Have you ever experienced a similar situation? Explain (4 minimum as ALWAYS!)Turn in 3x5 card daily for grade3

1) Do Now : (15 minutes)
2) Review for quiz to be taken on paper!-Graded in class tomorrow!! Study
3) Finish Newsletter-Use Markers  & Color Pencils !

May 6-May 8th, - AC 187, AC188, AC189

OBJECTIVE: I will begin my newsletter about Why Hacking is illegal and unethical using the research from the Federal Government.  

DO NOW:Listen while to the story about the 13 year old and my space. What do you think about this article?  Have you ever experienced a similar situation? Explain (4 minimum as ALWAYS!)Turn in 3x5 card daily for grade3

ASSIGN YOURSELF: Hacking Newsletter due on paper FRIDAY!--Color, etc.

  • Write an interesting introduction that clearly states your opinion
  • Describe in your newspaper why it is wrong to enter a computer system without permission.
  • Explain some potential consequences of hacking
  • Include an appropriate title and byline
  • include a conclusion

1) Do Now (15 minutes)
2)(1st period)Do again most were testing. Guided Practice-Review- Checklist with students-Call on students to read. 
Techconnect- Log in: ideamission/
3) Newsletter -Handout-(Tuesday)--Techconnect- Handout
4) Write a "Thank You Card" to one of your teachers. (One each day)Turn in daily for 2nd grade.
TURN IN DO NOW DAILY & THANK YOU CARDS! name must be on all assignments!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

May 5-May 8th, - AC 187, AC188, AC189

OBJECTIVE: I will begin my newsletter about Why Hacking is illegal and unethical using the research from the Federal Government.  

DO NOW: What is Hacking? Explain in 4-6 sentences. (4 minimum as ALWAYS!)Turn in 3x5 card daily for grade1

ASSIGN YOURSELF: Hacking Newsletter due on paper FRIDAY!--Color, etc.

  • Write an interesting introduction that clearly states your opinion
  • Describe in your newspaper why it is wrong to enter a computer system without permission.
  • Explain some potential consequences of hacking
  • Include an appropriate title and byline
  • include a conclusion

1) Do Now (15 minutes)
2)(1st period)Do again most were testing. Guided Practice-Review- Checklist with students-Call on students to read. 
Techconnect- Log in: ideamission/
3) Newsletter -Handout-(Tuesday)--Techconnect- Handout
4) Write a "Thank You Card" to one of your teachers. (One each day)Turn in daily for 2nd grade.
TURN IN DO NOW DAILY & THANK YOU CARDS! name must be on all assignments!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009


May 4-May 8th, - AC 187, AC188, AC189

OBJECTIVE: I will understand that unauthorized entering of a computer system is unethical and illegal.

DO NOW: Computer Ethics? What do you think this means?

ASSIGN YOURSELF: Hacking Newsletter due on paper FRIDAY!

1) Do Now (15 minutes)
2) Guided Practice-Call on students to read.
Techconnect- Log in: ideamission/
3) Newsletter -Handout-(Tuesday)
4) Write a "Thank You Card" to one of your teachers. (One each day)
TURN IN DO NOW DAILY & THANK YOU CARDS! name must be on all assignments!!

THURSDAY -Newsletter &Review