Friday, December 4, 2009


Thursday, December 3, 2009

DECEMBER 3-4, 2009

OBJECTIVE: STW be assessed on garage band terms and complete unfinished projects.

1) ASSIGN YOURSELF: All projects due next Thursday & Friday.

2) DO NOW: REVIEW FOR QUIZ click here


4) Open any unfinished projects and complete:
  • 1)Each project must be screenshot to your blog OR printed
  • 2) Each project must have a completed-self assessed rubric screenshot to your blog.
  • 3) You must write a brief summary about why you graded yourself an (A, B, C, D, F)?-Printed if you cannot post to blog.(stapled together)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Monday, November 30, 2009

Sunday, November 29, 2009

November 30-Dec 2, 2009

OBJECTIVE: STW complete all unfinished projects and begin using Garageband individually.

1) Assign Yourself: Vocabulary terms to add into a new TECHKNOWledge booklet(1) Track Headers, (2)Track Mixer, (3) timeline, (4) Zoom Slider
(5) Add track Button (6) Loop browser and editor buttons(7)Transport Controls
(8)Time display/instrument tuner
(9)Master Volume Slider &Level Meters (10) Track Info and Media Browser buttons
How do I do the homework?? READ 1)Draw the symbol as shown in screenshot,2) write definitions listed in screenshot and 3) use in a sentence.

2) DO NOW: REVIEW FOR WEEKLY QUIZ -click here (7 minutes)
3) Open up unfinished projects(30 min) Must have all 3 done by Thursday A Day/B day Friday
1)Each project must be screenshot to your blog OR printed
2) Each project must have a completed-self assessed rubric screenshot to your blog.
3) You must write a brief summary about why you graded yourself
an (A, B, C, D, F)?-Printed if you cannot post to blog.(stapled together)
    1. Webpage-History of ?Music, videos, gaming, or photography-ac141/ac156
    2. Powerpoint about your dream computer 6 slides-ac133/ac157
    3. Newsletter about Why Hacking is illegal and unethical-ac187/ac189
3b) EXIT QUESTION: Write 2-3 sentences explaining what you accomplished today and how you will complete all projects or begin Garageband project?  Which Essential IDEA 1-55 will you choose to do your final project about? Let me know first to post to my blog first to choose, no doubles! 
4) Typing Web-Meet your semester goal PRACTICE! (10 MIN)

1) 8x12-Poster showing Excel Spreadsheet parts and definitions
2) Poster must be colored entirely.