Thursday, February 11, 2010


Choose your IDEA# and post your name or have a friend post for you with your name and IDEA # for your movie 
IDEA#6-If you are asked a question in conversation, ask a question in return.
IDEA#7-Cover yur mouth when you sneeze or cough and say, "Excuse Me".
IDEA#9-Always say "thank you" when given something
IDEA#12-When grading other students' papers, give only the correct grade
IDEA#14-Answer all questions with a complete sentence
IDEA#17-IDEA transitions are swift, quiet and orderly
IDEA#20-When a substitute is present, show extra cooperationIDEA
#21-Don't wait to be told what to do; ASSIGN YOURSELF!
IDEA#22-Have a good book with you at all times
IDEA#23-Know the teachers' names and greet them in the hall by name.
IDEA#25-Greet visitors and make them feel welcome.
IDEA#26-Do not save seats in the lunchroom.
IDEA#27-Do not stare at a student who is being reprimanded.
IDEA#29-Dine with manners fit for loyalty.
IDEA#30-After dining in the cafeteria or elsewhere, be RESPONSIBLE for your trash.
IDEA#31-In a hotel room, leave a tip for the hotel works who clean your room.
IDEA#32-On a bus, always face forward.
IDEA#33-When meeting new people, shake hands and repeat their names.
IDEA#34-When offered food, take only your fair share.
IDEA#35-If someone drops something and you are close to it, pick it up.
IDEA#36-Hold the door open for people rather than letting it close on them.

IDEA#39-On a field trip, compliment the place you are visiting.
IDEA#40 - During and assembly or town hall meeting do not speak or call out to friends
IDEA#42- When returning from a trip,. shake the hands of every chaperone and your driver
IDEA#43-On escalators, stand to the right, walk to the left.
IDEA#49-Stand up for what you believe in!
IDEA#51-Live so you will never have regrets
IDEA#53-No matter the circumstances, always be honest
Be the best person you can be!!


OBJECTIVE: We have several missions today!
1) I will review for weekly quiz (10 min)
2) I will take weekly quiz (20 min)
3) Glue stick next weeks key concepts handouts to your study buddy! (5 min)
4) I will watch brainpop about "Computers" and I will write in my study buddy next week's key concepts definitions as I am watching video! (5min)
5) Type your newsletter!! (20 Min)

1) DO NOW (11:20-11:30)
3) Gluestick next weeks key concepts to your study buddy so you can take notes as you watch video! (11:50-11:55)
4) Log into Brainpop. (11:55-12:00)
Remember Brainpop username: ideamissionbp, password: phoenix
5) Finish Newsletter in MS Word  (12:00-12:40)---40 minutes to finish!!
  • First Open Imovie
  • Click on T for Text, Type your IDEA # , choose a title slide, click on "title text here"
  • Brainstorm -RESEARCH use handout past on the last 5 pages in your study buddy- your theme for your Imovie
  • Quotes - Use any of my 10 resources books on the center circle table
  • You want to get quotes to reflect your IDEA theme
  • What images  will you look for that reflect your IDEA theme and match your quotes

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

February 10, 2010

1) Bring Newsletter written with pen or pencil-one-two pages
2) Printed from your computer at home!
3) On a pen drive ready to copy and paste into newsletter format.
Mr. Wong- use my seating chart to mark off who has and circle name of who does not use colored pen, then assign West Wing.
  1. You will use MS Word to type your newsletter using your homework written copy
  2. If you have completed and printed at home, review for this weeks exam and Win a Million!

DO NOW: File Formats and Blogs- Win a Million "File Formats & blogs!"

1) Do now: Review for weekly quiz. (10 minutes) 11:20-11:30
2) Newsletter- Open up MS Word- Click on Blue W-11:30-11:35
3) Using yor homework type newsletter-11:35-12:20
4) Type your name at the top, then print your work -12:20-12:30
5) Review for quiz: 12:30-12:35- Win a Million to review for this weeks quiz!
6) Line up in L shape : 12:35-12:40
  • Use research gathered from Internet searches to write a n newsletter column explaining why computer hacking is illegal and unethical.
  • After you find two Web sites that describe why it is wrong to enter a computer without permission, bookmark the sites, and start to consider what you will write in your column. As a reporter, the content of your article should be factual.
  • Tell why hacking is unethical and support your argument with at least one fact or key point from each of the two Web sites you printed.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


1) Bring Newsletter written with pen or pencil-one-two pages
2) Printed from your computer at home!
3) On a pen drive ready to copy and paste into newsletter format.
Mr. Wong- use my seating chart to mark off who has and circle name of who does not use colored pen, then assign West Wing.
  1. You will use MS Word to type your newsletter using your homework written copy
  2. If you have completed and printed at home, review for this weeks exam and Win a Million!

DO NOW: File Formats and Blogs- Win a Million to review for this weeks quiz!

1) Do now: Review for weekly quiz. (10 minutes) 11:20-11:30
2) Newsletter- Open up MS Word- Click on Blue W-11:30-11:35
3) Using yor homework type newsletter-11:35-12:20
4) Type your name at the top, then print your work -12:20-12:30
5) Review for quiz: 12:30-12:35- Win a Million to review for this weeks quiz!
6) Line up in L shape : 12:35-12:40
  • Use research gathered from Internet searches to write a n newsletter column explaining why computer hacking is illegal and unethical.
  • After you find two Web sites that describe why it is wrong to enter a computer without permission, bookmark the sites, and start to consider what you will write in your column. As a reporter, the content of your article should be factual.
  • Tell why hacking is unethical and support your argument with at least one fact or key point from each of the two Web sites you printed.