Thursday, February 18, 2010

OBJECTIVE: I will assess myself on this weeks key concepts about computer parts and finish my project 2 on How computer Technology has changed the entertainment industry.

ASSIGN YOURSELF: This weeks project creating a webpage word document about Entertainment Industry has changed is Due today. NEXT WEEK 3 WEEK IA#1
NEXT WEEKS: QUIZ TERMS (should already be in your study buddy from the last 3 weeks) These were the key terms from all quizzes that scored less than 43% did not answer correctly. We will have a 3 week exam covering all of these terms plus any from this weeks quiz also.
1. Byte=====B
2. Kilobyte==K
3. Megabyte=MB
4. Gigabyte==GB
5. Terabyte==TB
6. PNG= screenshot = picture format
12. Boolean Search means using AND, OR to google search
13. RAM- Random Access Memory
14. ROM- Read Only Memory
15. CPU- It carries out the instructions of computer program
16. Output Device- A deviee that displays information in a way that is easy to understand
17. Input Device-
18. Audio card- It produces sound by transferring digital bits into analog audio
19. Monitor-draw a picture
20. Computer Interfaces- Operating systems for computers, MAC OSX, Windows, Unix

DO NOW: Win a Million!<--Computers, this weeks quiz. Click here to review for weekly quiz. (10 min)

3) Finish Project-
Techconnect-Glencoe- Next Weeks Project
6th grade -access code is: ac133
8th grade -access code is: ac189

  1. Download images of the components and peripherals you want from these or other Web sites. (Peripherals arecomputer additions such asscanners,printers, digital cameras, microphones, and speakers.) You can also search clip artfor appropriate images to include in yourpresentation.

  2. Use a presentation application to create your slide show. Create a titleslide using the following guidelines

    Include a creative title
    Use color and a large font to make your title eye-catching
    Add an appropriate graphic related to computer systems

  3. On slide 2, explain the purposes of the CPU andmemory. Include images or clip art showing the components.
  4. On slide 3, explain the purpose of input devices and list the input devices you want for your computer system. Include images or clip art showing the devices.
  5. On slide 4, explain the purpose of storage and list the storage devicesyou want for your computer system. Include images or clip art showing the devices.
  6. On slide 5, explain the purpose of output devices and list the output devices you want for your computer system. Include images or clip art showing the devices.

  7. On slide 6, list any other devices (such as communication devices) you want included in your computer system.

    Explain the purpose of each device.
    Include images or clip art showing these devices.
    Make new slides if you need more space.
  8. Throughout your slide show, use various font sizes, font styles, andfont colors.
  9. Check your presentation against the Checklist and revise as necessary & SAVE
EXIT QUESTION: How will you accomplish next weeks project on time by Thursday?

Monday, February 15, 2010

Today, I will begin my second project by first choosing which entertainment industry: Music, Movies, Video games or Photography.
ASSIGN YOURSELF; Project due Thursday!!
1) DO NOW: Win a million review for quiz(10 minutes)-
2) Go over Techconnect Lesson.
"Computer Software and file formats" Ac141-6th grade
Ac156-8th grade

3) Students take notes to study buddy-Clarify! anywords from last Thursday!
4)Choose an entertainment industry: Music, Movies, Videogames or photography & in your word document show how it has changed because of computer technology.-DUE THURSDAY
5) Have students open Word and save incomplete work for the week.
6) Exit question-Write to your blog: Today, I finished?
THIS week I will create word (webpage) about how a particular type of entertainment (music, movies, videogames, photography) has been changed by the use of computers and digital technology.