Friday, January 9, 2009

OBJECTIVE:  TSWBAT create an email with attachments.

DO NOW:Why is learning about email and attachments important?  Why would you want to send a blind copy email instead of a carbon copy email to someone?

1) Test -Formative--Go to Gmail
2) Create an email address TO:
3) Look at your blog, choose your 5 favorite assignments from this semester to the email and attach.
4) In 3 paragraphs, describe the assignments and explain why you chose these assignments.
5) SEND 
6) WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED WITH THE TEST, go back to yesterday's VOICE THREAD and leave me a 6-8 sentence comment about the MYP DESIGN CYCLE.  If you want to see the design cycle just click on the circle and it will appear bigger so you can read. VOICE THREAD
7) FINAL EXAM- RAGS TO RICHES GAME-WIN A MILLION!!!--STUDY for your FINAL it will have about 50 questions.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Thursday, January 8, 2009

OBJECTIVE:  The student will be able to understand email safety rules and write in their own words an email address.

DO NOW:.Why is learning about email and attachments important?  Why would you want to send a blind copy email instead of a carbon copy email to someone?
Then read  "Online Safety Rules" from TECHCONNECT

ASSIGN YOURSELF:  Your email & attachment is due to me by Friday. You must include a list of (6) email safety rules.

Wednesday-Techconnect -"Email Safety"
Thursday-Research information about "Email Safety"-create e-mail & save.
Friday-Email -Safety Rules  is due today!!

TODAY'S AGENDA:  In your own words create a list of e-mail safety rules. When your list is complete, you will e-mail it to me at and at least three classmates.  

1.  Review the Checklist for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your work.
2.  Use "G-mail to open a new e-mail message.
3.  Send the email to:, and yourself
4.  In the BCC field enter the e-mail addresses of your 3 friends
5.  Enter a header for your email message in the "SUBJECT FIELD"  Your head should give the receiver a clear idea of the message's purpose and content.
6.  Use the hyperlink about "Email Safety"
7.  Use information from "Email Safety" to create a list of six important email safety rules.  At least one rule must come from the internet research.  Enter the list in the body of your email message.
8.  Copy the URL's of the 3 most helpful websites you found for learning about e-mail safety.  Paste the URL's in the e-mail message below the list of safety rules.
9.  Check your message against the checklist
10.  Send your e-mail message.

Wednesday, January 6, 2009

Welcome back!!!  I hope you all enjoyed your vacation.  I missed you!


The student will research email safety and then write and send an email message containing email safety rules.

Ac169- 6th grade & tc169

Ac170 7th grade & tc170

Ac171 8th grade& tc171

DO NOW: POST TO YOUR BLOG: What was the most exciting activity you did this Christmas break? When you are finished PLEASE GO DIRECTLY TO TECHCONNECT!! READ


1) Do Now (5 minutes)

2) Techconnect-ac activity-READ & BEGIN (20 Minutes)



4 ) DO NOW: WARM-UP--1. Learn2type-  (15 MINUTES)
Type for 15 minutes and screenshot your WPM to your blog.

5) ANALOGY-->PRACTICE type your answer to your blog.