Friday, September 11, 2009

SEPTEMBER 14, 2009


SWBAT: To log into computer, post to blog & screenshot post to blog.



DO NOW:Take out your blueprint if you did not turn in on Friday.-FILE IN YOUR FOLDER-(7 min)

   What would you like to get your education (college degree) in? WRITE ON 3x5 card. 

    1) Click here-> TYPING  PRACTICE- SET GOAL (15 min) Use handout to set goals.TYPING PARAGRAPH Guided Practice: Demonstrate how to open word and create word art title, insert text boxes, add color to text box, how to screenshot and post to blog. (15 minutes) 3) Independent Practice- Students will create birthday poster using blueprint. (20 minutes) 4) Students will save document shinojosa_birthday poster (5 min)(2 min)6) Assessment: How do you save your file in Word?

Monday, September 7, 2009

September 9, 2009

OBJECTIVE; SWBAT create their color blueprint using their pencil blueprint.


(11:20-11:27) DO NOW: Take out my homework! Answer this question on 3x5 card- Using the picture of the the Design Cycle, explain how the process journal is being used to create your project.-3x5 card

1)  Using  one of 3 books, add to your blueprint- 
Write changes in last page in the box --> WHY I MADE THESE CHANGES  

2) Complete Coloring blueprint -in groups so you can share resources-Final product turned in today!
3) Please clean up and put all of MY pencils, crayons and markers back into the boxes. First group cleaned up gets their "kisses".

4) WRITE EXIT QUESTION ON BACK OF 3X5 CARD-->When you come to computer lab on Tuesday what will be your mission?Explain
OBJECTIVE: SWBAT: Apply research information about events that happened on their birthday to plan project.
(2 sources- internet & books) 

DO NOW: Write on 3x5 card- What do you think a process journal is? ( sentences 4-6)

ASSIGN YOURSELF: Bring Process Journal and blueprint in PENCIL ONLY! No color or pens yet!

Do Now: 5 Min-10:45-10:55
Engage: ->View Blogs-10:55-11:00 Investigate-Plan Joseph M, 

Explore: 11:00-11:15->Process Journal-Guided Practice
Students will use process journal- to record their planning process for their project.
Explanation:11:15-11:20-> First Project Using Process Journal and Research: Rubric-Investigate- Take out Syllabus  Review Scale 0-6

Elaborate:11:20-11:40 ->Process Journal-Finish Page 1-2, 

Evaluate:11:40-11:50->How will we use the process journals for all projects? (4-6 sentences)