OBJECTIVE: Discuss the FINAL project- Part I, Imovie, rubric, storyboard, props, recording and timeline.
Incoming students at IDEA Mission need to understand our culture. How can we establish a better
understanding for all of our future students? ROLE: You are a student and as a current student at IDEA Mission you will be asked to teach the future IDEA Mission students about our culture. (Investigate) How can you demonstrate one of our "ESSENTIAL 55 IDEA'S?
Last Friday, you were asked to select one of the Essential 55
IDEA’s for your imovie.
Day 1 (1.Plan) -Your homework was to
use the storyboard to create a movie clip demonstrating that Essential IDEA.
Day 2- (2-3. Identify &Brainstorm). In class, Identify-IDEA 55 and
brainstorm possible solutions of how you will create a movie for that
“Essential IDEA 55”.
(4-5 Generate Ideas and Explore Possibilities)Use Handout generate those ideas on the brainstorm web& explore
possibilitites –6. Select an approach-> Take home with storyboard and be ready to start tomorrow!!
Brainstorm in Class, what essential items/props will you need before you come to class tomorrow.
To help demonstrate that “ESSENTIAL 55”, practice with your classmate and be prepared to record, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
All Audio will be done using the method below (drop.io/voice) with your cell phone.
DESIGN BRIEF-PLAN, BEFORE YOU LEAVE TODAY!!: “I am going to design a movie about_____________________by using (materials,people, etc)_________________________
Day 3. Using your storyboard and brainstorm IDEA (A way in which you will demonstrate that IDEA using materials, props, pictures, audio, etc. 7. Create the movie. Day 3-:
We will be using this website: http://drop.io/voice.
Day 3- Mrs. Hinojosa will review my storyboard script for my culture imovie-Due 5/19/09
- Create a drop.io/voice username so you have your number when you leave class today.
- ASSIGN YOURSELF: Go home and use your script to create your imovie recording to email to yourself and use tomorrow in class.-Bring any props for your imovie
i want to do number 8
i am aylin and i am going to do rule 2
i am doing rule 55
I want to do #27
I want to do #27
I want to do
me and joe want to do rule #13.
Mrs.Hinojosa i will use rule #12 as a topic (Julissa Rios!
Mrs.H I want to do rule 5
Me stephany and jose juan vamos a hacer la #27
I am going to do rule number #3 ya
I'm doing rule 5
mrs hinojosa i want 16 instead
I wanna do rule #10: If you receive something you don't like do not insult the person or the gift.
me and Daniel want to do #13
mejor quiero hacer la #6
I'm doing rule #2
IDEA#24:How 2 stay clean when going in the restroom.
me and Marcos are going to do #2
I am changing the rule to rule 20
i picked # 47.this is orlando
Hey I am doing # 15
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